December 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Dec 1 00:04:41 EST 2013
Ending: Tue Dec 31 21:59:14 EST 2013
Messages: 1108
- master/slave stack links
Dr. Hawkins
- Copy
Scott Rossi
- Copy
stephen barncard
- Copy
Matthias Rebbe
- Copy
Mark Wieder
- Copy
Robert Brenstein
- Is hiding a modal dialog the same as closing it?
Graham Samuel
- [ANN] Excel Library released
zryip theSlug
- Answer File on Mac OS X
Bob Sneidar
- 6.5 Problem
Bob Sneidar
- Communicating between to standalones with "write to process" - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Bob Sneidar
- on-screen scaling
Dr. Hawkins
- on-rev and custom externals
Monte Goulding
- Sweet little progress ARC library
Chipp Walters
- Strict Compilation Mode
Ender Nafi Elekcioglu
- [ANN] New LiveCode Developer Social Networking Site
- scrollerDidScroll problem
Nicolas Cueto
- 6.1.3 incompatible with 10.9 sandboxing
- imagedata + text comparison
Alan Stenhouse
- Checking for 'quit' and aborting shutdown
Graham Samuel
- [OT] Everything you need to know about my book
Mark Schonewille
- Words that must not be spoken
Jim Hurley
- SoCal LC User Group meeting Thurs., Dec 5, Pasadena
Richard Gaskin
- revEnvironmentDistributionPath() ?
Thierry Douez
- iOS write to file issue
Sergio Schvarstein
- Cyber Monday 50% off Valentina Studio, ADK for LiveCode & More
Lynn Fredricks
- Hack the Appearance of the revMenubar stack
- [OT] Ubuntu Touch emulator
- Words that must not be spoken - Found word(s) remove list in the Text body
Bob Sneidar
- Can't sell on Mac App Store
- Sorting Deep Nested Arrays
- Is sandboxing on OS X already state of the art?
Tiemo Hollmann TB
- Question re ChartsEngine
Alex Tweedly
- Missing PDF icon on iphoneComposeHtmlMail
William de Smet
- Emailing From LiveCode Server
Gregory Lypny
- Where are LC's iOS Guidelines?
Graham Samuel
- [ANN] Zygodact documentation
J. Landman Gay
- Executing Livecode Server from command line
stephen barncard
- Is 0.000001 as small a number as can be worked with?
Geoff Canyon
- TRYING to get LC server 6.5 to work using .htaccess
stephen barncard
- What is "revLibrary" stack?
- datagrid object: resizing advice for "on LayoutControl pControlRect"
Nicolas Cueto
- itunes connect complains about 120x120pix icon, although it exists
Matthias Rebbe
- Background & Image Issue
Vaughn Clement
- [OT] Reminder: Programming Livecode for the Real Beginner almost sold out
Mark Schonewille
- When is 10 really 13?
Mike Kerner
- Searching within variables in LC server
Erik Schwartz
- [OT] Blow your mind
- Basic Table Field in a Group
Vaughn Clement
- The revWeb plugin again . . .
- Experience with mobile apps with ads
Bill Vlahos
- iOS Status Bar Color External
Nakia Brewer
- Detect when a field changes
Robert Sneidar
- What does "stack was produced by a newer version" mean?
Robert Sneidar
- Livecode and socket communication
- revonline
william humphrey
- RELEASE: LiveCode 6.5.1 RC1
Benjamin Beaumont
- [ANN] Name Generator
Scott Rossi
- customKeys
Peter Haworth
- OT: Vigil
Mark Wieder
- New livecode release notes page
Monte Goulding
- field properties changing when group copied
Dr. Hawkins
- Cloning the selectedObject
Graham Samuel
- Default values for handler parameters
Peter Haworth
- Resolution Independence... Look at how far we've come
Roger Eller
- Livecode on a rent-a-MAC
Ethan Lish
- Help with revXML
william humphrey
- Running LC Program as a Service
Nakia Brewer
- Asking the impossible
J. Landman Gay
- [OT] Free Office suite for Linux and Windows
- Pro/Corporate Groups Webinars
Mike Kerner
- Trapping for option drag
Marty Knapp
- Turning graphic effects off and on
Devin Asay
- Where is a list of revCopy result/error codes?
- [ANN] pick wheel iOS7 style
- sorting internet dates chronologically
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
James Hurley
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Devin Asay
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
James Hurley
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Richard Gaskin
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Jan Schenkel
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
J. Landman Gay
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
stephen barncard
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Alejandro Tejada
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Jan Schenkel
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Walt Brown
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
Alejandro Tejada
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name: e.g. blue, green, yellow etc.
James Hurley
- Building an iOS app that takes pictures, first time always crashes
Geoff Canyon
- FieldFormatter now listed
- Very bumpy group scrolling on Android tablets
Mark Schonewille
- Problem with decoding Array
Ruediger Wilhelm
- sorting a column in a dataGrid by dateTime
- [OT] Last chance to order Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner this year!
Mark Schonewille
- Puzzling about 'the focusedObject'
Graham Samuel
- [ANN] rIDE 2.4
Mats Wilstrand
- Wrap the Label of Button
Ender Nafi Elekcioglu
- PC Symbol Font?
Graham Samuel
- OT: Windows settings for correct handling of diacritics?
Tiemo Hollmann TB
- Zoom a tablet-size app on a phone, then scroll?
Roger Eller
- Text editor question
François Chaplais
- Constrain image size to container
Magicgate Software - Skip Kimpel
- [OT] giving away my DataGrid Helper License from MegaBundle for free
Matthias Rebbe
- [Completely OT] This is how it all begins...
Ender Nafi Elekcioglu
- Understanding $_SESSION
Gregory Lypny
- rIDE 2.4.2
Mats Wilstrand
- Facebook Integration
Thomas McGrath III
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Bob Sneidar
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
James Hurley
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Peter M. Brigham
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
J. Landman Gay
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
J. Landman Gay
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Peter Haworth
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Paul Hibbert
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
J. Landman Gay
- How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body
Peter Haworth
- iOS provisioning to remove?
Gerry Orkin
- Scripting for the zip code
James Hurley
- Lost pdf printing
Sumner, Walt
- Navigating through SQL Data
Magicgate Software - Skip Kimpel
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Richard Gaskin
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Dr. Hawkins
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Jacques Hausser
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Roger Eller
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Roger Eller
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Roger Eller
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Roger Eller
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Roger Eller
- Up, Down and Sideways
J. Landman Gay
- Up, Down and Sideways
J. Landman Gay
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Dr. Hawkins
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Dr. Hawkins
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Richard Gaskin
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Richard Gaskin
- Up, Down and Sideways
Warren Samples
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Martin Baxter
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Martin Baxter
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
- Up, Down and Sideways
Martin Baxter
- Up, Down and Sideways
- LiveCode Server - Passing Information From Web Page to Web Page
Gregory Lypny
- Playing a sound
Graham Samuel
- Resizing a group to clip an object symetrically
Terry Judd
- How to bring the script editor window in front?
Tiemo Hollmann TB
- mobile - list of images from library?
Alan Stenhouse
- Livecode socket communication through a FIREWALL?
- Table Object?
Martin Baxter
- Raspberry Pi
Magicgate Software - Skip Kimpel
- Backdrop under Ubuntu Linux
Alejandro Tejada
- Some help please! architect
Joe Lewis Wilkins
- Zero byte music files
J. Landman Gay
- Really long delay in opening Android app (black screen)
Roger Eller
- Playing video within stacks on Linux
Alejandro Tejada
- scriptTextFont
Richard Gaskin
- revSpeak in Mac OS 10.9
James Hurley
- Merry Christmas.........
Bob Earp
- Eric Chatonet´s website
Alejandro Tejada
- Eureka... and this how you play a movie inside a stack on linux
Alejandro Tejada
- WYSIWYG is Wonky!
Marty Knapp
- Hidden Tools menu items
Peter Haworth
- Global Properties
Peter Haworth
- Slightly F-keyed off
- Simultaneous keys on mobil
Bill Vlahos
- Polyglot keyDowns
- [REQUEST] How could we use FIFO from LiveCode on Linux
Alejandro Tejada
- Still stuck on playing a sound with a player
Graham Samuel
- Strange array behavior
Peter Haworth
- [ANN] The Scripter's Scrapbook upgrade v6
- Inking it in?
- [ANN] MobGUI with iOS7 palette
John Craig
- When is Unicode not Unicode?
Graham Samuel
- CLI "evoc exiting on signal 11"
Richard Gaskin
- return of the psychotic fields
Dr. Hawkins
- Kiosk mode in Android
Matthias Rebbe
- [OT] Socks for nearly 500 dollars.
- Players and Sounds - stuff you might want to know
Graham Samuel
- Auto updating to Write Restricted Folders
- RELEASE LiveCode 6.5.1 RC2
Benjamin Beaumont
- MySQL vs Joomla/Drupal/Wordpress re GPL requirements
Richard Gaskin
- MySQL vs Joomla/Drupal/Wordpress re GPL requirements - Found word(s) make money in the Text body
Bob Sneidar
- [OT] I wonder.
- Your iOS Distribution Certificate will expire in 30 days.
Dave Kilroy
- RELEASE LiveCode 6.5.1
Benjamin Beaumont
- Polling/probing the keyboard?
- OpenShift
Monte Goulding
- pixelScale [was: RELEASE LiveCode 6.5.1]
Dr. Hawkins
- pasting from LibreOffice triggers unsavable loop in 6.5.1
Dr. Hawkins
- Can't call functions from messagebox in 6.5.1
Dr. Hawkins
- tmControls Tab object on Android
Roger Eller
- MacToISO is still confusing me
Graham Samuel
- IDE Menu Shortcuts
Paul Hibbert
- [OT] Office Suites
- livecode on xubuntu 13.10
Martin Baxter
- Scalini - image scaler for resolution independence
Jim Lambert
- rawKeyDown slightly cooked
- Filtering one list out of another
Devin Asay
- Videos: Setting up Valentina ADK for LiveCode: Database and Reports
Lynn Fredricks
- iltering one list out of anothe
Jim Lambert
- Great MacFormat intro article
James Hale
- Managing Images in the Image Control
Vaughn Clement
- OT: Track Santa on NORAD Tracks Santa
Lynn Fredricks
- Open a stack from DropBox
Jim Hurley
- use-livecode Digest, Vol 123, Issue 49
Jim Hurley
- [mySQL] How to remove Fractional Seconds
Kay C Lan
- Flow/wrap text into an irregular shape
Roger Eller
- Tracking LC problems with Linux
Peter Alcibiades
- Uploading Files with LiveCode Server
Gregory Lypny
- [OT] Mac OS 10.9
- Anybody successfully made this work on Raspberry Pi?
Magicgate Software - Skip Kimpel
- Scroll increment
- use-livecode Digest, Vol 123, Issue 56
James Hurley
- Can't send email attachments on Android w/ 6.1.1 or 6.5 DP1 :(
Mark Schonewille
- Diesel out of fuel?
Jerry Jensen
- Flow/wrap text into an irregular shape--was briefly: use-livecode Digest, Vol 123, Issue 56, my mistake
James Hurley
Last message date:
Tue Dec 31 21:59:14 EST 2013
Archived on: Fri Nov 19 08:23:31 EST 2021
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).