Answer File on Mac OS X

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Sun Dec 1 17:38:55 EST 2013

All good up until the part, "but it would only show files that had been saved with the OS9 style of Type/Creator information.” All these PDF’s have never been touched by OS 9. Apparently, Adobe at least is still using file types.

Bob Sneidar
IT Technician
Integrated Office Technology
bobsneidar at<mailto:bobsneidar at>

On Nov 28, 2013, at 07:09 , Colin Holgate <coiin at<mailto:coiin at>> wrote:

Both Jacque’s and Bob’s ways work. The one Marty posted happened not to work because the wildcard part overrode the pdf part.

So, “|pdf” (no space), should work, and "PDF Files|pdf” will work too.

Now, the above is using “with”. If you use “of”, then the old file TYPE comes into play. So, this would work:

answer file "Select file to open:" of type "PDF “

(note the space), but it would only show files that had been saved with the OS9 style of Type/Creator information. Any pure OSX PDFs would most likely be grayed out.

This article by Devin Asay has a handy list of the file types:

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