Answer File on Mac OS X

Paul Hibbert paulhibbert at
Sun Dec 1 18:06:13 EST 2013


I checked a folder full of PDFs on my hard drive and found some worked with the space in the file type and some that didn’t, like yours, none of these PDFs were generated on OS 9 as far as I know, they are all quite new. The odd ones with the space came from different sources, one of them from on another of my Macs running OS X 10.7.5.

After a few tests I concluded that the best line for this would probably be…

   answer file "Which PDF?" with type "PDF Files|pdf,pdf |PDF,PDF "

…From what I saw on OS X 10.8.5 this covered both options reliably, however, I don't have Mavericks to test on just yet.


On 2013-12-01, at 2:38 PM, Bob Sneidar <bobsneidar at> wrote:

> All good up until the part, "but it would only show files that had been saved with the OS9 style of Type/Creator information.” All these PDF’s have never been touched by OS 9. Apparently, Adobe at least is still using file types.
> Bob Sneidar
> IT Technician
> Integrated Office Technology
> bobsneidar at<mailto:bobsneidar at>
> 714-401-2407
> On Nov 28, 2013, at 07:09 , Colin Holgate <coiin at<mailto:coiin at>> wrote:
> Both Jacque’s and Bob’s ways work. The one Marty posted happened not to work because the wildcard part overrode the pdf part.
> So, “|pdf” (no space), should work, and "PDF Files|pdf” will work too.
> Now, the above is using “with”. If you use “of”, then the old file TYPE comes into play. So, this would work:
> answer file "Select file to open:" of type "PDF “
> (note the space), but it would only show files that had been saved with the OS9 style of Type/Creator information. Any pure OSX PDFs would most likely be grayed out.
> This article by Devin Asay has a handy list of the file types:
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