How do I find the rgb values for colors defined by their name:e.g. blue, green, yellow etc. - Found word(s) list error in the Text body

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Dec 13 13:49:30 EST 2013

On 12/13/13 12:24 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> Useful script, thanks Peter.  The strange thing is that the asterisks don't
> appear in the email I send from my computer, only in the recipients email,
> plus the pasted text shows in black not the script editor colors.

It isn't colors, it's some basic markup that at least some email clients 
use to indicate text styling. I suspect if if the list allowed html 
posts they'd display the same way you see them when you send it -- 
except for people like me who display all email as text-only for 
security reasons.

In Thunderbird there is an option to always send emails in either text 
or html format, which can be set individually for each email address. 
For list emails, it can be set to "text only" and the problem goes away, 
the markup is discarded. I don't know which email client you're using 
but maybe it has a similar option.

Thunderbird also has an item in the Edit menu "Paste without 
formatting". Pasting that way also removes the markup.

If you aren't using Thunderbird, you could run the clipboard content 
through a text editor first and re-copy it from there. That would 
convert it to text-only. The disadvantage on your end is the additional 
work it requires. For us, it would allow us to copy scripts directly 
from your posts and also improve readability.

You aren't the only one this happens to though, I've seen a few others.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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