Global Properties

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Sun Dec 15 18:19:26 EST 2013


Sunday, December 15, 2013, 1:37:03 PM, you wrote:

> Thanks Mark. That's pretty much what I thought but maybe I can find a way
> to summon the ninja squirrels instead.

Here's a start, although there are still some things in the remaining
499 lines that I don't think are really properties ("arm", for one).

on mouseUp
    put NinjaSquirrel() into msg
end mouseUp

function NinjaSquirrel
    local tData
    local tProps
    put the keys of (the properties of the templatestack) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templatecard) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templategroup) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templatebutton) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templatefield) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templateimage) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templategraphic) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templatescrollbar) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templateeps) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templateplayer) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templateaudioclip) after tData
    put the keys of (the properties of the templatevideoclip) after tData
    put the propertynames into tProps
    repeat for each line tLine in tData
        filter tProps without tLine
    end repeat
    answer the number of lines in tProps && "global properties"
    return tProps
end NinjaSquirrel

-Mark Wieder
 ahsoftware at

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