Delete the first entry of an array.

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Sun Mar 27 05:42:33 EDT 2016

On 26/03/2016 23:40, Alex Tweedly wrote:
> I haven't found (can't find) a spec for LCB, so I'm not sure exactly
> what "proper lists" are - but I think maybe not quite what I meant.

There's a spec in the "Guides" tab of the LC8 dictionary -- look for 
"LiveCode Builder Language Reference".  There's also a whole LCB 
dictionary section in the "Dictionary" tab that describes all the syntax 
relating to working with Lists.

> I was thinking of "proper arrays" :-)  i.e. real, old-fashioned indexed
> arrays - see Algol, Fortran, etc.
> So we would have
> read access in constant time
> write access in constant time
> insertion complexity - there is no such thing as insertion :-)

Yes.  We're talking about the same thing.  The LCB "List" datatype is 
this datastructure.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Open Source Team

LiveCode 2016 Conference

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