[OT] A couple of links about Gnome and usability

Warren Samples warren at warrensweb.us
Sat Mar 24 23:17:59 EDT 2012

On 03/24/2012 09:44 PM, Roger Eller wrote:
> The easiest way for a beginner is a WUBI installation.  You don't need an
> emulator or virtual box or parallels, etc.  Just a PC that is already
> running Windows.  When you install Ubuntu via WUBI, it is just a series of
> folders on the hard-drive (no dedicated partition necessary).  This method
> sets it up to dual-boot, so you just choose which OS to run when you turn
> the computer on.  To remove it, you just uninstall it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYw6dOXw3pc
> http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer
> ~Roger

That's interesting. I had never seen this. It seems a really simple and 
great way to deal with dual-boot installation, provided that one wants 
to run Ubuntu. However a dual-boot system is not nearly as convenient 
for many purposes, such as "let me see real quick how this looks/works 
on Linux and Windows". I see that convenience as a big plus for virtual 
machines. Although I recognize the advantages of running the OS 
natively, for a lot of purposes this is moot. Maybe it's a case of 
choose the tool that lets you do the job the way you want it done ;)


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