Rev_rant part 4

Dave dave at
Tue Nov 14 08:29:25 EST 2006

On 10 Nov 2006, at 17:44, Bernard Devlin wrote:

> Dave said:
> >>
> then RunRev will stop growing and eventually die.
> <<
> I think that these kind of doomsday prognostications are  
> particularly unhelpful.  Do you have any evidence that Runrev's  
> financial position is suffering?

Just going by my past experiences in software development and with  
working with RunRev.

> As far as I can see, Runrev are going from strength to strength.   
> Do you really think that this long stream of negative threads is  
> beneficial to new users, old users, and the company itself?  I  
> think it is more likely to put off new users than anything else  
> they might experience in their first 30 days of using Rev.

It depends, if the bugs get fixed (which it seems from another thread  
they are), then yes, I think they were beneficial to all those  
parties mentioned above. If they don't get fixed, then I don't think  
it will hurt those parties that much. On balance, I think that  
sending  the mail will cause more good than harm, else I wouldn't  
have sent it.
> In fact, ironically, part of me actually doesn't want other people  
> to know about Rev - for me Rev is an amazing competitive  
> advantage.  I'm not entirely sure that my interests as a developer  
> are best served by everyone and his dog knowing what a great tool  
> it is.  Of course it is in Runrev's interests to maximize their  
> profits and maximise their sales.

I can't see this, I'd rather have experience in a tool that is "in- 
demand" rather than one that no one knows about.

> Since I first came across Rev 4 years ago I have bought updates  
> (even if I was not making much use of the tool in those years)  
> because I wanted to keep supporting it for a time when (or even if)  
> I did start to really need it.  Anyone who can see that it is a  
> very productive tool for them should IMO do likewise and keep a  
> stream of revenue going in the direction of Runrev.  If you can  
> find better tools for development, then go for them.  I for one  
> can't find a better tool for the development of cross-platform GUI  
> apps.  And if you've spent a significant amount of time learning  
> the ins and outs of Transcript/xTalk and the whole stacks/controls/ 
> message path thing, then it's in your own interest to do what you  
> can to support Runrev.
> As far as I am concerned, with Rev the glass is certainly more than  
> half-full.  In fact, if I had the money I'd be trying to buy the  
> company.

I'm not talking about "me", I'm talking about trying to sell it to a  
whole programming department that is currently using a mix of Macs,  
Windows and Linux machines and programming tools such as C/C++,  
RealBasic, AppleScript, XML, PDF, PERL, JavaScript, etc.

All the Best

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