Error when using Scroll Bars

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Wed Dec 5 16:28:01 EST 2001

At 12:13 PM -0700 12/5/01, David Burgun wrote:
>If I get these errors is it ok to just ignore them? By "Unusable" I actually meant I was scared to use it in case I was in danger of causing dammage to the system/environment and/or wasting my time because the stack would be invalid.

I haven't had a situation like this since 1.0, but my standard reaction if I start getting errors like this is to not be too concerned, but also not push it too hard -- if I get numerous errors, I'm likely to exit Rev and go back in.

Revolution (the development environment) operates at a high level -- when it rearranges a scrollbar from vertical to horizontal, it does so in the same transcript terms you might use -- certainly you would understand the commands it uses to drive the underlying engine. As such, issues of stack corruption are near-impossible. The worst I could imagine is that properties (size, location, style, color, etc.) might be set to inappropriate values, forcing you to change them back or go to a backup copy of the stack. The concept of "hidden" corruption is foreign to Revolution -- it just doesn't happen. (knock on wood, since _anything_ can happen if you give it long enough and push it hard enough)

I assume that the Revolution environment saves itself only under controlled circumstances, so the possibility of mangling it is remote as well.

In short, your stacks are very safe. Environment errors should only concern you if they cause unexpected results -- clicking the "go next" button, and going two cards forward would be a good example :-/



PS -- For anyone who's curious or doubtful, here's the script of the popup that changes scrollbars from vertical to horizontal and back:

on menuPick pWhich
  lock screen
  put revPaletteObjects() into tObjects
  if pWhich is "Horizontal" then     
    repeat for each line l in tObjects
      put max(the height of l,the width of l) into tWidth
      put min(the width of l, the height of l) into tHeight
      put the loc of l into tLoc
      set the width of l to tWidth
      set the height of l to tHeight
      set the loc of l to tLoc
    end repeat
    --make orientation vertical
    repeat for each line l in tObjects
      put max(the height of l,the width of l) into tHeight
      put min(the width of l, the height of l) into tWidth
      put the loc of l into tLoc
      set the width of l to tWidth
      set the height of l to tHeight
      set the loc of l to tLoc
    end repeat
  end if
  unlock screen
end menuPick

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