Set the tooltip of a datagrid

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Tue Jul 11 22:09:09 EDT 2017

There should be a couple ways.. Assuming the tooltip data and the displayed
data are already associated, you can do as suggested and pass in the popop
information as part of the dgdata.. Then in the fillindata you 'set the
tooltip of field 1 of me to ... the data that was passed in with the array.
  To do this though i _Think_ you'd need a custom behavior for every

To get around this, you could use a mouseenter in the script of the
datagrid itself that does something like..

on mouseenter
    get the text of the target
    -- then use the text of the target to look up your tooltip data and..
   set the tooltip of the target to "whateveryouwant"

end mouseenter

i tested by setting the tooltip to a random number and it seems to work

If you're using a form rather than a grid, its much easier, just use the
first method in the behavior script to set whatever tooltips you like as
part of the fillindata.   A single script edit to handle all tooltips.

On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 7:43 PM, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode <
use-livecode at> wrote:

> Yup. But now what I want to do is intercept the hover message, or whatever
> that is that detects I am over a datagrid control, then set the tooltip to
> a string that represents selected datagrid data. The idea is that even
> though I have a subset of data actually displaying in the datagrid, I
> preload ALL the columns of the table in the dgData, and I want to be able
> to display more data from a particular record in the tooltip, depending on
> which record I am hovering over. That means I need some kind of message
> that gets sent to the datagrid when I am hovering over an element.
> I tried editing the script of the behavior, but of course that cannot be
> edited. I suppose I will have to copy the behavior of the datagrid to an
> independent button to play around with this. I was hoping there might be an
> easier way to do this.
> Bob S
> > On Jul 11, 2017, at 18:37 , Mark Wieder via use-livecode <
> use-livecode at> wrote:
> >
> > It's a tooltip.
> > You shouldn't have to do anything special.
> > Here's how I set the tooltip of widgets in the PowerTools datagrid:
> >
> > set the tooltip of image tWidgetNum of me to "someString"
> >
> > --
> > Mark Wieder
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