Datagrid: animating adding rows to a form?

Trevor DeVore lists at
Fri Oct 16 09:12:12 EDT 2009

On Oct 16, 2009, at 5:59 AM, David Bovill wrote:

> I'm wandering if there is anything in the latest version or any  
> hacks /
> suggestion to animate form record additions? As the dat comes in I  
> would
> like each record to slide down from the top rather than instantly  
> appearing
> (which makes it hard to read)?

If you have animationEngine you can use the undocumented property  
"animate selections". If set to true then the Data Grid uses  
aeEaseInOUt from the animationEngine library to scroll record  
selection into view. I haven't tested it when adding records but use  
it with Data Grid forms that are tall. It helps maintain context when  

set the dgProps["animate selections"] of group "DataGrid" to true

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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