Wierd MouseLine

DunbarX at aol.com DunbarX at aol.com
Tue Mar 24 18:58:09 EDT 2009

If not a bug, then a gremlin.

In a stack, make a locked field with several lines of text. In the field 
script put:

on mouseUp
   set cursor to plus
   repeat until the mouseClick
     put the mouseLine
   end repeat
end mouseUp

Move the mouse over the various lines in the field. You will get feedback 
about the line the mouse is over. However, if you move the mouse outside of the 
field, and move around so the mouseV corresponds to the "V" of lines of the 
field, you also get the same info. This only works (?) for the mouseLine. All the 
other mouseFunctions, like mouseChunk, only report the actual underlying text 

It is as if the mouseLine was made on Friday, and the latitude of the mouse, 
not the actual text lines, were measured. Could be a feature.

Craig Newman

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