
Shari shari at
Wed Jul 1 11:17:46 EDT 2009

>Click on the name link, and you'll see a page of info, which will 
>include a list of mutual friends. I think the system sees that you 
>both have the same friends, and so maybe you know each other.
>You can also search for any name. Like now, I tried Craig Newman, 
>and the first in the list looked like him, but I could click on his 
>name and see that we had a mutual friend. So now I'm sure it's him, 
>and so I've sent a Friend invite. He'll be no doubt confused by 

I don't have any friends yet.  I've not gotten that far.  I've not 
entered any info, schools, groups, anything.      Yet it has this 
list of folks that I really do know or have communicated with in the 

Seriously creepy.  Yet apparently socially acceptable.  Big Brother 
must be loving this!  (Slinks into my bunker peering out unto the 
world with a periscope...)

I mean it's really cool in one way to be able to find folks that 
easily.  But... wow!

I'm assuming that there's a long, long list past the first list and 
all of you are on it.

   Dogs and bears, sports and cars, and patriots t-shirts
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