OT: Apple Announces Its Last Year at Macworld

Jeff Reynolds jeff at siphonophore.com
Wed Dec 17 23:58:43 EST 2008

Yes i think its a bit of a combo of all the ones mentioned, convention  
costs going way up for vendors (have heard of this in a lot of  
different fields from publishing to housewares to computers.) Also as  
you mention its a lot easier to disseminate information these days and  
also make a stir and grab the eyeballs w/o the competition of all the  
other vendors at the same time. Also the cost of transportation of  
both people and material has skyrocketed of late and the charges for  
moving stuff from the loading docks to the show floor in some venues  
can be quite high.

I also wonder if they want Apple stock price to be more controllable  
as Apple has historically been a very volatile stock and it usually  
revolved around mac worlds.

Lastly i wonder if Apple is just seeing the writing on the walls with  
travel getting more expensive and harder that folks may just not be in  
the mood much any more to attend conferences like these that are  
mainly trade shows. I loved comdex, mac world, NAB, CES but these days  
its really hard for me to think about spending the money and time and  
effort to attend a trade show anymore. nothing like seeing something  
in person, but then again I have not had to really see any major  
hardware purchases for exhibits in person for a long time now and the  
last few trade shows have given me very few leads to new items to use.

tis a changing world...



On Dec 17, 2008, at 11:12 PM, use-revolution-request at lists.runrev.com  

> I also read that back in the day, conferences were the place to
> announce your new products etc.  But now with other avenues (mainly
> the internet) companies are finding that they do better with specific
> company announcements instead of conventions.
> Of course, having said that, I do miss Comdex :)  Nightmare that it  
> was.
>  - Noel

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