AW: The Art of Dissolving Splash Screens

Sivakatirswami katir at
Thu Jun 28 17:58:41 EDT 2007

Scott Kane wrote:
> From: "Tiemo Hollmann TB" <toolbook at>
>> Richard, which message or info do you check for knowing if the boot is 
>> fullfilled without problems? Just sysError and the result?
> Take a look at the link below.  It explains it well and is one of  
> Richard's really cool hints amongst many on his site...
> Scott Kane
> Moderator*

And, just to report back... FWIW:

I got my splash screen working,

where I put the splash image on the main engine spash stack
and have that standalone engine stack dissolve etc. ... it means
setting up scripts in the stack script, importing and image setting
the window shape of the "engine" stack...

  *but *after going thru the whole process, I think I will adopt Richard's
model for the future. By keeping the Standalone "boot engine" down to 
bare bones:
i.e. it does nothing but contain the engine, some feedback mechanism,
and just a single path to the "Main stack.rev"  and the user
never really sees it at all... I see lots of advantages.

1) you build your standalone once. Since it has zero "presentation" content
you are not likely to need to upgrade it very much, if ever, assuming you
set up your path correctly to the main app.rev stack from the get go.
which then become the single  value that is needed in the engine...

2) This way all your "design" and tweaking are done on the main stack
So, the "main" stack also would be include the "splash" image (on card
1, or whatever...) and not the engine.

I found myself having to tweak the engine stack script and splash
UI and rebuilding the standalone about five times in 48 hours.. a nuisance.

Had I done it Richard's way from the get go,
I would have only built the standalone once.

Lesson learned... and confirmed by a pro...and given all that,
one might as well use Key Ray's Stack Runner.


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