Routine to check status of URLs

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Mon May 15 13:44:40 EDT 2006


long time, no see!!! :-)

I'd use plain TCP calls. Use open socket command and write to socket  
and read from socket. This way you'll control your HTTP connection  
and be able to read all headers and status messages. HTTP is an easy  
protocol, specially if you're not doing MIME.

The "HTTP Made Really Easy" <> is  
a very easy to follow tutorial on HTTP protocol. You can just use  
that as a reference and script your calls.

The status codes will tell you all about the URL (move, redirect, not  


On May 15, 2006, at 2:38 PM, RGould8 at wrote:

> If I wanted to write a Revolution script that goes through a list  
> of URLs and
> checks each URL's status, can anyone give me pointers on the best  
> approach?
> I was originally attempting to do a "load URL" approach, and then  
> check the
> error that comes back (either OK, or not found, re-direct failure,  
> etc).
> Unfortunately I'm finding that load URL tends to take awhile to get  
> through URLs
> that do not connect.   I thought "load url" was a non-blocking  
> command, but for
> some reason it does freeze the execution of the handler until it  
> gets through
> the bad URLs.
> Is there a more "code to the metal of TCP/IP" technique that I  
> could use,
> just for testing the status of the web-sites?   The data I need to  
> get back is:
> 1)   Whether the site contains a re-direct or not
> 2)   Whether the site is found or not
> 3)   Whether the site is blocked or not
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