imageSource images don't refresh if binfile type?

Scott Rossi scott at
Sat Jul 16 13:15:21 EDT 2005

Recently, Jerry Daniels  wrote:

> I've got a field with lots of images in it, thanks to the imageSource
> property. Since all the images are in a folder, I'm using the syntax:
>    set the imageSource of char x of fld y to ("binfile:" & theFilePath)
> Works great. Works fast.
> But wait...there's a dark side.
> When the file that is being referenced by that imageSource call changes
> content (but not it's file name!), the image in my field will not
> reflect that new image content on screen as it is in the file. It's as
> if the image data is being cached somewhere and I can't force it to
> refresh.

Three ideas:

- Did you try setting the imageSource to an alternate (bogus)
image/filename, and then setting back to the desired file?

- Maybe you could try a "go-between" image in the stack.  Set the filename
of the go-between, set the imageSource of the field item to the id of the
internal go-between, then set the imageSource back to the external file

- Heinous Workaround: use go-between images for *all* images used in the
field, set filenames of go-betweens appropriately, set imageSource
references to Ids of go-between images.  Requires a bit of overhead, I know,
but if nothing else works...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
E: scott at

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