Re: I don't understand the SWITCH command Š

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Tue Jan 13 08:17:20 EST 2004

--- François Cuneo <francois.cuneo at> wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> I have a problem with the "Switch" command.
> Here is my little Code:
> on mouseup
>   put word 2 of the selectedline of me into nbcalc
>   switch nbcalc
>   case 1
>     put 0 into fld "nbcalc"
>   case 2
>     put 2 into fld "nbcalc"
>   end switch
> end mouseup
> It's always the case 2 that's done, even if the
> nbcalc is 1!
> What's wrong please?
> Amicalement
> François

Bonjour François,

You'll need to insert a 'break' command at the right
spots ; so your script should look like :

on mouseup
  put word 2 of the selectedline of me into nbcalc
  switch nbcalc
  case 1
    put 0 into fld "nbcalc"
  case 2
    put 2 into fld "nbcalc"
  end switch
end mouseup

If you don't use a 'break' command, the engine will
just execute the rest of the script in each case until
it bumps into a break.
It has its advantages, for instance when you need to
do something extra in special cases, but it can be a
bit confusing if you don't have a background in C.

Example :
  switch tNumber
  case 3
    -- only do the following
  case 2
    -- do something special, as well as the code
    -- for case tNumber = 1
    -- so no 'break' at this point
  case 1
    -- do what needs done in this case
    -- and break since we don't want the default
    -- if none of the other cases are true
    -- the break isn't necessary, but cleaner code
end switch

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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