Save Stack Problem

Kenji Kojima index at
Tue Aug 3 12:37:42 EDT 2004


I am trying to create a card and save stack using CGI script on Mac OSX.
But I cannot save a stack.

I made a stack "createCd" which had a card and a field,
and set permissions to 777.
CGI script was.

#! /Library/webServer/CGI-Executables/revolution

on startup
	open stack "createCd"
	put the num of cds of this stack &"<br>" after buffer
	put the time into fld 1
	put fld 1 of cd 1 &"<br>" after buffer	
	create cd
	put the num of cds of this stack &"<br>" after buffer
	save stack "createCd"		
	put the result after buffer
	close stack "createCd"	
   	put "Content-Type: text/html" & cr
  	 put "Content-Length:" && the length of buffer & cr & cr
  	 put buffer	
end startup

Browser showed
12:20 PM
can't open stack backup file
CGI script was working and made a card, but could not save a stack.
What is "can't open stack backup file"?

What was wrong?

Kenji Kojima

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