OS X screen saver - somewhat off topic

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Tue Apr 27 01:53:36 EDT 2004

On Apr 27, 2004, at 2:20 AM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

> I realize that I probably won't be able to wake the screen from sleep, 
> but I am tantalizingly close to being able to turn off the screen 
> saver. Has anyone else managed to do this? If it can't be done, I 
> guess I can always write myself a fake screen saver in Revolution, but 
> I would rather let the system do all the work :-)

okay, I am being radical, but can't you kill the process using shell 

you could fetch the process using:

ps -aux | grep "ScreenSaverEngine"

first word will be process ID (pid)

then to a:

kill --KILL <pid>

This is radical, but if the process is dead then screen saver cannot be 
on display right!?


PS: I think that kill bill movie is making me a violent coder...

Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004
Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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