I know this is newbie... it's about Arrays.

Andre Garzia soapdog at mac.com
Mon Sep 8 22:17:01 EDT 2003

Hi Folks,

In the proccess of implementing XML-RPC in Revolution I decided to put 
all parameters inside an Array just to discover that I know nothing 
about arrays in Rev. I know they can have keyed items or numbered 
Items, thats all. My Rev online documentation says to me: "Check About 
Arrays and Matrixes" but this article is non existant. I need to know 
how to append an item to the array and how to count elements in it... I 
know this is silly for someone trying to implement a hole advanced 
remote procedure calling protocol, but life is like that, I am now able 
to place all my calls and almost parse them, but i just don't know how 
to append items in a array, is there a function for that?

Andre Alves Garzia  2003  BRAZIL

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