Decompress cross platform

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Fri Oct 3 15:25:00 EDT 2003

At 2:14 PM -0500 10/3/2003, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>The data decompresses fine on whatever platform did the compression. 
>But when the data is compressed on Windows, it won't decompress when 
>the stack is copied to a Mac. When the data is compressed on a Mac, 
>it won't decompress when the stack is copied to Windows. I suspect 
>this may have something to do with line endings, but maybe not. In 
>any case, I get an error saying the data is not compressed data.

I haven't checked this, but I'll bet it's because of the automatic 
character set conversion between Mac and Windows/Unix. So the fix 
would be to either store the thing in a custom property (which 
doesn't have this conversion done) or to run it through MacToISO or 
ISOToMac, as appropriate, before decompressing it.
Jeanne DeVoto ~ jeanne at ~
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