[ANN] News Reader Stack Available

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Wed Jun 18 18:47:01 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, at 04:28 PM, Sarah wrote:

> Has anyone else any thoughts on the wisdom or otherwise of quoting all 
> names?

Since I have the memory of a goldfish, I like to name objects the way I 
label them.  This means names might have spaces and other interesting 
characters that cannot be in names.  If more than one object is labeled 
the same, I put a qualifier in the name.

I do this so much for fields, I'm looking for a quick way to create 
fields and corresponding labels and to insert them into scripts.  When 
I make a field named "Mother's Maiden Name:", I also create a label 
named "Mother's Maiden Name: Label" with the content "Mother's Maiden 
Name:".  When editing a script, I simply look over to the stack and see 
"Mother's Maiden Name:" and enter 'field "Mother's Maiden Name:"'.

(I have a feeling I'm going to find out I'm doing this the hard way.)

Dar Scott

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