Showing/Hiding Images on mouseLeave...

Terry Judd tsj at
Thu Nov 14 17:44:01 EST 2002

>Dear Jan,
>On Friday, November 15, 2002, at 08:27  AM, Jan Schenkel wrote:
>>A 'devious' workaround for this limitation would be
>>the following:
>>- store the entire collection of pictures in custom
>>properties (one per file with 'set the
>>uPictures[tFileName] of this stack to URL
>>- on openStack you 'unpack' the images, placing them
>>in a temporary directory
>>- then you point the fileName property of the image to
>>the 'unpacked' file in that temporary directory
>>This way you still have only a single file.
>OOOOOOOH! I like the sound of that! You genius!
>Sounds like a lot of work, but I will try that for sure!
>Many, many thanks, and
>Kind Regards,

If you're considering this path then... use the imageData property to 
set the image from a property and you don't even need to write out to 
an external file. You must make sure that your image object is the 
right dimensions however, if not you'll experience some unexpected 


Dr Terry Judd

Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Email: t.judd at
Phone: 03 9344 0187
Fax: 03 9344 4998

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