play player on openCard

Terry Judd tsj at
Thu Jan 17 18:30:01 EST 2002

>OK, so I finally managed to find out how to play a player object 
>(couldn't locate the relevant info in the transcript dictionary) but 
>now I'm having trouble getting it to play in an openCard handler. It 
>seems my problem stems from the fact that I'm using a lock and 
>unlock screen for the card to card transition. If I remove this, the 
>player plays just fine - with it, nothing happens. Is there any way 
>to work around this?

For the records, the above problem can be solved by using a send 
command in the openCard handler...

on openCard
   send playIt to this cd in 1 secs...
end openCard

on playIt
   play player <playername>
end playIt

Dr Terry Judd

Lecturer in Instructional Design / Multimedia Developer
Biomedical Multimedia Unit
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences
The University of Melbourne
Email: t.judd at
Phone: 03 9344 0187
Fax: 03 9344 4998

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