Livecode Future

jbv at jbv at
Wed Jul 24 13:47:11 EDT 2024

Hi list,

I am a bit lost as I am trying to figure out how I fit in the
new license plans.
I have built a couple of desktop apps years ago for 2 different
clients who use them in their business, with less than 20 users
in total. These apps make intensive use of LC server and I also
have 2 LC-hosting accounts.
I keep maintaining these apps with cosmetic changes once or twice
a year. Most of the time these modifications represent less than
1% or 2% of the code, but each time I need to recompile for
MacOS & Windows.
I use a license for MacOS and Windows which gets renewed every

Therefore my question : how will I be able to continue in the
same way ?


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