Livecode Future

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at
Fri Aug 2 12:55:53 EDT 2024


On Aug 2, 2024, at 9:50 AM, Kevin Stallibrass via use-livecode <use-livecode at> wrote:

Retiree’s comments:
I started with runtime revolution v1 when it was included on a PC Pro magazine all those years ago and immediately built my first program which was a neat utility (in 4 languages) which was used by my company. No fee, plenty cudos.

Continued using Runrev over the years to build tools for myself. Cudos from family and friends

Got a commercial licence when I created my only ‘big’ app which worked on PC’s, Macs, Android, & iOS, all talking to a Livecode server. Even included  an iOS push notification server running on Rpi which was featured in the last RevUp newsletter.
Plenty cudos from company, no payment but avoided a redundancy round and got a free holiday for me and my wife in a swanky villa in the Med.

Favorite app was for iPad ( talking to server) which really helped our sales force - and phoned home when they used it.
Super cudos avoiding the next round of redundancies.

When that company finally folded, I reverted back to the community licence and built a few things for myself and family.

Long, boring story I know but the point i’d like to make is that Runrev enabled me to start coding. They supported me through commercial licence and community freebee’s

I’m retired but still grateful for what the Runrev team has enabled me to do. Thanks for your support Kevin and I sincerely hope you get through this change and continue to help people as stupid as myself succeed.

Kevin Stallibrass
Sent from my iPhone

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