Direct editing of polygrid text cells and polylist text elements

Peter Thirkell peter.thirkell at
Wed Nov 1 17:28:23 EDT 2023

I am enjoying both the polygrid and polylist add-ons to Livecode. They are infinitely flexible to use once you get to know them, and most importantly they render beautifully across all platforms. 

I have one question which doesn’t seem to be addressed in the documentation. The polygrid widget specifications say that it supports “direct cell editing” but I am not able to find any way to do this. Has anyone found a way?

More generally, do we have any multi-line input field options for Livecode which render well across all platforms? Polygrid and polylist work beautifully in displaying already existing data from some sort of data repository ... but it would be awesome to provide the ability for users to input information as well as display it using the brilliant polygrid and polylist tools.

Providing truly cross-platform inputting of data and information in an easy way would provide the final puzzle piece for many of us wanting to provide a modern and beautiful user interface for our apps.

Many thanks 😊

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