OT - a new release of WinSignHelper for macOS

J. Landman Gay jacque at hyperactivesw.com
Thu Jul 20 23:47:57 EDT 2023

Very useful info, thank you. Especially the part about using the token on 
different machines. I was duped into believing everything I read on the 
internet. :)

Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
On July 20, 2023 4:20:59 PM matthias rebbe via use-livecode 
<use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:

>> Am 20.07.2023 um 17:21 schrieb J. Landman Gay via use-livecode 
>> <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
>> Thanks Matthias. I've been reading about it and I think the cert is stored 
>> on the machine but it is tied to that computer and not exportable.
>> If you get a new computer you need to buy a new certificate.
> I don't think that is true. The new type of certificate has to be stored on 
> a secure device. That's what the eToken is for. The private key is also 
> stored on the eToken and the certificate and the private key cannot be 
> exported. You should be able to use that token on multiple computers. You 
> just have to install the eToken driver to an other computer and attach the 
> eToken to it.
> This is what Trustzone is saying about it:
> "The token-based type of Standard Code Signing certificates can also be 
> used on multiple computers. The same goes for token-based EV certificates. 
> But no token-based certificate can ever be used simultaneously on two 
> computers since the SafeNet token can only be plugged into one computer at 
> a time."
> As i never had such eToken, i do not know, if the certificate and the 
> private key can be accessed as files through Finder. And what extension do 
> they have. I've read the osslsigncode can use also certificates and key 
> files with .cem extension.
> So if the eToken contains such files, WinSignHelper could be slightly 
> adjusted to work with the eToken. But that's just an assumption.
> Matthias
>> So I don't think I'll experiment, and we'll just do the whole thing on the 
>> Windows box.
>> The sad part is that if we'd renewed just a couple of weeks earlier we'd 
>> have been within the cutoff date and could have purchased the old type of 
>> certificate.
> Same here. I was about 5 days to late otherwise i could have ordered the 
> olde type.
>> If anyone else has used the new token hardware I'd be grateful for any tips 
>> or suggestions. This is all new to me.
> I am using a cloud based OV certificate from Certum. I just need to install 
> the Software SimplySign Desktop. The software "integrates" the certificate 
> into Windows' certificate storage (or what ever this is called) after i 
> logged in using that SimplySign Desktop software.
> Microsoft's signtool can then directly access the certificate.
>> --
>> Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw.com
>> HyperActive Software | http://www.hyperactivesw.com
>> On July 19, 2023 4:20:23 PM matthias rebbe via use-livecode 
>> <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com> wrote:
>>> To be honest, i do not know.
>>> I am currently using a cloud code signing certificate which i can only use 
>>> on Windows.
>>> I've chosen the cloud version because of the price, but later i noticed 
>>> that it seems that those cloud certificates cannot be used on macOS.
>>> Or maybe they can, but i do not know how, especially with ossl signcode
>>> WinSignHelper uses ossl signcode and currently that tool needs a path to a 
>>> certificate
>>> Do you know where the certificate is stored with the eToken solution? Is it 
>>> stored also on the eToken or anywhere else on the Mac?
>>> If you have the certificate as a physical file it maybe could be possible 
>>> to select that file in the WinSignHelper prefs.
>>> But as  i alread wrote, i really don't know exactly.
>>> I am currently thinking of purchasing a 2nd certificate as eToken solution, 
>>> but there is not yet a decision made, if i should spent money for this, as 
>>> i have a working cloud certificate which expires in 3 years.
>>> Regards,
>>> Matthias
>>>> Am 19.07.2023 um 22:53 schrieb J. Landman Gay via use-livecode 
>>>> <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>:
>>>> @Matthias: does the upgraded WinSignHelper work with the new hardware 
>>>> eTokens? Those are required now.
>>>> If so, do the instructions change on how to use your tool?
>>>> On 12/23/22 10:44 AM, matthias rebbe via use-livecode wrote:
>>>>> i've upgraded my free tool WinSignHelper.
>>>>> For those who do not know what WinSignHelper is...
>>>>> It's a GUI for osslsigncode. Osslsigncode is command line tool that can do 
>>>>> the Authenticode signing and timestamping. With it you can code sign 
>>>>> Windows applications  using an appropriate code signing certificate.
>>>>> You just drag a folder with your Windows application into WinSignHelper and 
>>>>> it signs all components of your standalone (.exe and .dll).
>>>>> WinSignHelper Help section gives enough information about how to install 
>>>>> osslsigncode.
>>>>> So if anyone is interested in testing....
>>>>> The version is  notarized and is an universal build for X86 and Arm
>>>>> Zip
>>>>> https://dl.qck.nu/?dl=WinSignHelper_universal.zip
>>>>> DMG
>>>>> https://dl.qck.nu/?dl=WinSignHelper_universal.dmg
>>>>> Hope this is of help for one or the other.
>>>> --
>>>> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
>>>> HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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