Serial Communication with an I/O board (New user)

Curry Kenworthy curry at
Wed Dec 22 06:29:36 EST 2021

Good topic; probably deserves a relevant subject line! :)
(Easier to notice, both live and in the Archive.)

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy

Custom Software Development
"Better Methods, Better Results"
Christian LiveCode Training and Consulting



 > the project has to be able to communicate with an I/O board (Numato 
16 channel USB GPIO Module for example) from a Windows Standalone 


> Once you've installed the driver for your adapter on Win10, go to the
> Device Manager, Ports and find out what COM port it's linked to (eg, COM2).
> Now in LiveCode, you don't need to know the driver name to write to. Just
> use the command:
>         open driver "COM2:" for write
> This sets the plane for communication. Next, you need to set up the
> settings, eg:
>         set the serialControlString to "BAUD=9600 PARITY=N DATA=8 STOP=1"
> These are actually the default settings, so do nothing if these are the
> settings you want.
> Now you just need to know the commands to send.
>         write "readall" & return to driver "COM2:"
>         read from driver "COM2:" for 4 -- ie, 4 characters
> The read command immediately after the write allows it to accept the
> response from the GPIO, in this example, for 4 characters in length (to
> receive the 4 hex characters like 16AF)
> And that's it pretty much. It's super easy and fun. With Wifi modules you
> can use any device to communicate with them. We used iPad mini's which made
> it super flexible.
> Let us all know if you run into any issues and need help.
> All the best
> Sean Cole
> *Pi Digital Productions Ltd*

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