How Do You Get Filename / Image

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Sun Sep 6 09:58:39 EDT 2020

Maybe  it is aphasia...

How do we get file from one location to another location

on mouseUp
	 local tRelativeURL
	 -- repeat with x = 1 to (the number of cards of stack “SlideShowSetUp”)
	 --go card x
 	set the itemdelimiter to “/”
	 put (the item -2 to -1 of the filename of img “slideimage” ) into tRelativeURL
	# this works is: there is a path
	# 1-ellora/dsc1234.jpg

	# this does not work:
	 put URL(“binfile:” & tRelativeURL ) into URL(“binfile:_ForWebSite/” & tRelativeURL)
	put the filename of img “slideimage” into URL(“binfile:_ForWebSite/” & tRelativeURL)
	 -- end repeat
end mouseUp



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