Message watcher and selectionChanged

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Jul 6 15:23:09 EDT 2020

On 7/6/20 11:41 AM, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:
> On 06/07/2020 17:19, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
>> There's a button at the lower right of the window that allows you to select which messages 
>> are suppressed. The default is to suppress unused messages but you can change that. IDE 
>> messages aren't shown by default either and you can add your own if you want.
> Thanks Jacqueline.
> I tried that button, and it tells me (or seems to tell me) that the only 'suppressed' message 
> is 'mousemove' (and it doesn't mention 'unused' at all - only 'handled' and 'not handled' - and 
> neither of those is selected as suppressed). So it's a confusing 'default'.
> Now that I know, I will always test with a handler rather than assuming the Watcher is telling 
> the truth.
> (Hmmm - that last line feels like I'm in an episode of Buffy, or Once Upon a Time, or ... :-)

"Unused" = "not handled" when I'm not at the Mac to look. ;)

I just did a short test with "not handled" unchecked and I'm getting messages for things like 
resumeStack, openField, focusOut, etc. which have no supporting handlers in my scripts. I 
wonder if the messages you want to track are considered part of the (suppressed) IDE messages? 
Hard to say.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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