The Roadmap

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Wed Oct 30 05:09:31 EDT 2019

Sorry about starting this as a new thread: email client misbehaving.

Richard Gaskin wrote:

"Richmond wrote:
 > Of course if certain long-term stuff from the Kickstarters don't
 > appear on the Roadmap it is easier to hold LC to account than if
 > the Roadmap were to disappear completely.

Which returns us to the question I posted an hour ago about the Roadmap: 
What purpose does it serve? I can imagine all sorts of reasons one might 
find a roadmap useful. Some may find it useful for planning features 
down the road for one's own products (provided, of course, a solid 
understanding of what a roadmap is, and isn't, is in place); others may 
find it useful for anticipating areas of future contributions to the 
project (new widget opportunities, etc.); others may just find it 
interesting to see how the company envisions growth opportunities as 
reflected in feature sets. There are all sorts of really good reasons 
people might want a roadmap. And then there's yours: " hold LC to 
account..." If that's your interest, I see no benefit in keeping the 


Why should not people who run Kickstarter things not be held to account 
for their promises?

I had a Kickstarter a while ago to raise money for my Devawriter and I 
honoured all my promises.

One of the reasons I was able to honour all my promises was because I 
was very, very careful about what I promised.

Now folk who invest money usually do it expecting some sort of return 
(even if it is only a 'Thank you' from
the homeless person who asks you for a few coins), and ducking one's 
commitments and responsibilities . . .

Are you advocating what it looks like?

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