Performance speed of widgets (was: how to create a Custom Control)

sanke at sanke at
Mon May 2 04:20:26 EDT 2016

On Wed, 27 Apr 2016,  Richard Gaskin wrote:

> I think Kevin said best back in August in a discussion of when to choose
> LCS and LCB:
>     (snip)
>      Previously our primary choices were between LiveCode Script
>      and a lower level language such as C. Now we have a third
>      choice, an intermediate LiveCode Builder. Its much faster
>      [to develop in] than C but slower than Script. It is going
>      to excel at certain tasks. However we should always choose
>      to use it only when it offers clear advantages above
>      LiveCode Script for the project that outweigh the extra
>      level of effort needed to use it. I know its very tempting
>      having added a whole new language to build everything in
>      that, but we must carefully resist that temptation and use
>      it judiciously, only for what it is best at.
> <>
> -- 
> Richard Gaskin

When Kevin states

> Its much faster
>      [to develop in] than C but slower than Script. It is going
>      to excel at certain tasks.

What about the performance speed of a LCB widget? O.K., it is more 
difficult to *develop* the widget than a LCS-scripted custom control, 
but would a widget *execute* much faster than a group as a custom control?
Would, for example, a matrix-convolve widget for image processing make 
up for the serious speed loss we are experiencing especially with LC 
versions 7.x and 8.x?

Kind regards,

Wilhelm Sanke

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