No SVG in LC 8
Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami
brahma at
Sat Mar 12 17:14:51 EST 2016
> On 03/12/2016 09:09 AM, Peter TB Brett wrote:
>> Sadly, SVG integration has had to be dropped from the LiveCode 8.0
>> release.
OK I tried turning type into outlines, grouping and then making compound path... so far so good. only one set of values inside
d="M117.86,58.93H0V0H117.86V58.93ZM12,45.26a18.48,18.48,0,0,0,9.12,2.28c8.43,0,12.52-4.77,12.52-10.2[SNIP]" fill="red" />
if I don't use anything outside the first set of quotes it works. but wait.. it's black only? I can set the icon color to Red... but that is it... can't set the background to white. Objects with different colors will certainly fail. if I add
LC hangs dramatically with spinning ball as the SVG parser goes into an infinite busy loop. Force quit. fingers crossed, good stack is not corrupt (I had my first corrupt stack in years last week...fortunately had a recent back up.)
OK... well (sigh) back to creating the same icon in four different sizes as PNG and importing each of those to the img resources card to apply as icons on buttons. the range of 150px and below they break down "instantly" as soon as you adjust size, even with quality set to "Best"
You might tone down any hype on the promotion of the widget and SVG in the current presentation of Livecode as our work flow here and expectations are not unusual. (ask designer to make something... looks great on the web... etc.) future meeting: "Oh...we can use that on the web but not in our apps." with eyes rolling since touting the wonders of SVG recently.
There is no clear disclaimer anywhere about "one path, one color only." I suppose it has uses for those who can live with a single path, and as such, you may want to keep it in the tool set.
At the very least it would help to clarify the limitation in this lesson:
to explain that only a single path is supported. and even if you *do* make compound paths, object with different colors will not be supported as the object comes in as B/W regardless of original colors.
And we really need to have some kind of limit check so that when users *do* paste some SVG in with unparseable data, LC just doesn't die on them.
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