LC8 IDE Parser

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Thu Mar 3 17:05:08 EST 2016

First of all...Kudos to the Dev team for tightening up the IDE parser!!!

I had a library stack that would not compile because this is not allowed anymore "repeat while (1=1))" no complaints from LC6 but LC8(rightfully so) flags this as a compile error.  But this caused me some confusion. When the IDE loads the library stack from My Livecode/Plugins it failed to compile. The stack showed up in the project browser but not in the "stacksinuse". When I opened up my main stack the stack looked at stacksinuse and did not find the library stack and attempted to load it(for mobile) and I got the "there is already a stack named .... in memory" with the usual purge/cancel... dialog box. I was confused for a short while until I figured it out. I don’t know how to avoid this type of confusion but newbies would be scratching their heads for quite a while.

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

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