Open source, closed source, and the value of code

Robert Mann rman at
Tue Mar 1 21:10:08 EST 2016

Ok, fine.. that is.. somehow more "logical" !!

So that leads to 2 practical consequences :

1) what seems to be important is the timing of making publicly available
some code :
-- if you "release" some code under GPL for testing out an app
-- and than later on turn to the closed IDE to produce a closed version in
view of a commercial development
..if I get it right, you're done! bad choice :: GPL infringement!

2) if you do not make it public, than when you're ready, you're free to turn
for help to an indie/pro developer to finish it up and prepare it for iOS
launch under whatever license suites you.

Conclusion :: with the community version, be secretive if in view of any
commercial application and only share  code you really wish to.. share!
There will be NO return.

So that closes that issue for me // 

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