LC8DP15 feedback-IDE Issues

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Tue Mar 1 21:32:16 EST 2016

On 03/01/2016 04:08 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
> On 3/1/2016 5:23 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
>> Don't use the Project Browser so can't comment on the second issue
> It's confusing, Ali had to explain it to me. I still mostly use the App
> Browser because I need the column layout.
> In the Project Browser, the dotted selections are the objects selected
> on the card. You can't alter dotted-line selections from within the PB,
> you need to open the property inspector for that.
> The hilited lines are selections you've made directly in the PB. The
> icons at the bottom act on those only. So you can click the icons at the
> bottom to manage the PB-selections (the hilited lines) to resize or
> align. The card-selected objects (dotted lines) won't change. If you
> want the card selections to be acted on, you need to manually re-select
> them in the PB so their lines are hilited as well as dotted.
> The idea was to be able to select things in the PB that may not be in
> view, even on totally different cards or stacks, and be able to work
> with them without going there. Hilited lines indicate which objects will
> be affected. This could be useful. On the other hand, there is now a
> disconnect between visible selections on a card and objects you can act
> on within the PB.
> Selections also act slightly differently in the Property Inspector. It
> used to be you could shift-click several objects and then double-click
> any one of them to open the multi-object inspector. That doesn't work
> now. Instead you double-click one object on the card to open its
> inspector and then shift-click objects to add more. That causes the
> alignment icon to appear at the top left of the inspector, and the other
> icons will operate on all the selected objects.

I may have to print that out and hang it on the wall.
Wow - the IDE used to be somewhat intuitive.

  Mark Wieder
  ahsoftware at

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