LC8DP15 feedback-IDE Issues

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Mar 1 19:08:35 EST 2016

On 3/1/2016 5:23 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> Don't use the Project Browser so can't comment on the second issue

It's confusing, Ali had to explain it to me. I still mostly use the App 
Browser because I need the column layout.

In the Project Browser, the dotted selections are the objects selected 
on the card. You can't alter dotted-line selections from within the PB, 
you need to open the property inspector for that.

The hilited lines are selections you've made directly in the PB. The 
icons at the bottom act on those only. So you can click the icons at the 
bottom to manage the PB-selections (the hilited lines) to resize or 
align. The card-selected objects (dotted lines) won't change. If you 
want the card selections to be acted on, you need to manually re-select 
them in the PB so their lines are hilited as well as dotted.

The idea was to be able to select things in the PB that may not be in 
view, even on totally different cards or stacks, and be able to work 
with them without going there. Hilited lines indicate which objects will 
be affected. This could be useful. On the other hand, there is now a 
disconnect between visible selections on a card and objects you can act 
on within the PB.

Selections also act slightly differently in the Property Inspector. It 
used to be you could shift-click several objects and then double-click 
any one of them to open the multi-object inspector. That doesn't work 
now. Instead you double-click one object on the card to open its 
inspector and then shift-click objects to add more. That causes the 
alignment icon to appear at the top left of the inspector, and the other 
icons will operate on all the selected objects.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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