Players in HTML5 - ETA for Full Functionality?

Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami brahma at
Mon Feb 29 00:00:34 EST 2016

This could work for me also. I think that we are talking about Javascript interactions.

I use MediaElements JS framework on our web site...  


and really like it for lots of reasons.  

I have actually toyed with creating some JS controls of a video instantiated on the page with Media elements and it works.  

You can see how simple the JS api is:  

So, perhaps the question(s) become  

1) Is there a way can bind JS execution to Livecode controls in a stack that we export to html5?  

2) is that execution sandboxed/encapsulated within the enscripten "scope" ?  

I suspect not... ergo, if the head of your HTML documents calls query + media elements, then theoretically if your html stack has a button that can execute (for example)  

function (mediaElement, domObject) {  

mediaElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', function(e) {  
document.getElementById('current-time').innerHTML = mediaElement.currentTime;  
}, false);;  

and you have the media element above or below your "stack" then it could work.  

Design-wise though... I'm not sure how you can get you player/controller to fit nicely on the canvas (page rect) relative to the stack. 

You can see media elements in action here and the HS and html elements are there..check the source on this page (all generated with LC+RevIgniter...)

Line 335 has the page element...which could live above or below the HTML5 created by LC... then we would need to be able to fire the littls script you see starting on line 341... from within the exported LC stack


On February 28, 2016 at 4:56:47 AM, Martin Koob (mkoob at at wrote:

> I am interested in the idea Scott proposed. I am wondering specifically if
> you could make a LiveCode HTML5 standalone on a page that could control the
> playback of a different 

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