Missing Functionality

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Fri Apr 8 11:04:18 EDT 2016

Hi Jacque. 

For the revmail issue, I put a simple revmail one line handler in a button script in a new stack and compiled it as a standalone. In the IDE it launches the Apple Mail program and fills in the fields with whatever was in the arguments. In the standalone it does nothing. It fails silently. 

In the time calculator, another simple app, the only Livecode command I call is the convert command. That also fails silently. 

I would have to do some logging to narrow it down. I just wanted to know if anyone has seen this before, and if there is some workaround. 

Bob S

> On Apr 7, 2016, at 22:47 , J. Landman Gay <jacque at hyperactivesw.com> wrote:
> We'd need more info to help. I don't see anything wrong with the handler but we'd need to see the functions. What exactly fails? Do you see the dialog? Have you put answer statements in to see how far the handler gets before failing? You can also log to the Console if you don't want to use answer.
> There's nothing in what you posted that would require any additional libraries, but I don't know what the functions might need. The convert command doesn't need a library and is pretty reliable.
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
> HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
> On April 7, 2016 6:13:07 PM Bob Sneidar <bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> When compiling standalones, I am having difficulty with certain functionality. For example, I just compiled an app with a field that has this script:
>> on closeField
>>   if not isTime(me) then
>>      answer warning "Please enter a valid time in hh:mm format." as sheet
>>      put empty into me
>>   end if
>>   if field "fldStartTime" is empty then exit closeField
>>   put timeCalc(field "fldStartTime", me) into field "fldTotalTime"
>> end closeField
>> isTime and timeCalc are both contained in the card script, and they work in the IDE, but not in the standalone. These functions use the convert command pretty extensively. I have had a similar experience with compiling a much larger project, where the revMail function does not work in a standalone, but does in the IDE. Any ideas?
>> The first project is a very simple one card project. I have Livecode determine which libraries to include. I could just select ALL the libraries, but that would make my project larger than it needs to be.
>> I am using version 6.7.6 build 5033 in OS X 10.10.5 (although I seriously doubt the OS version has anything to do with it). I do not have the funds to upgrade at this time so that explains why I am using 6.7.6 right now, plus each time I attempt to use a version 7 that I can still download, I have serious problems with my projects, and end up reverting for safety's sake.
>> Bob S
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