Repeat ... kind'a

Scott Rossi scott at
Fri May 1 00:57:42 EDT 2015

As an alternative, you might consider using the more ubiquitous /* ... */ form to comment out large blocks of code.  The biggest benefit is no extra characters in front of each line, but you do need to add the (4) characters manually.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media UX/UI Design

> On Apr 30, 2015, at 9:03 PM, Terry Dennis <tedennis at> wrote:
> I do the same kind of thing to “comment out” entire blocks of code with “if false then ... end if”.  Why do I do that?  Because I don’t like having to actually comment out entire blocks of code in the script.  LC’s script editor has a problem with drag-select.  Sometimes it gets “stuck” and will scroll all the way to the bottom of the script with no way to stop it.

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