Livecode Javascript Compiler

Peter TB Brett peter.brett at
Thu Jul 16 06:53:21 EDT 2015

On 2015-07-16 11:05, David Bovill wrote:
> Thanks Peter. What i am keen to get a grip on is how we can interface
> Livecode exported Javascritp with existing Javascript in a web page. 
> Are we
> going to be stuck with an isolated blob of all Livecode-Javascript in a
> page? Or can I make Livecode-Javascript widget that talk to existing 
> pages?
> My thought would be if the core Livecode C++ engine has now been 
> refactored
> so that the language element - separate from all the GUI and even 
> message
> stuff - and that this bit was easy and fast to get exported - then that
> would be what we need to create interface independent Javascript 
> libraries
> - let's say a library that takes some JSON and exports some JSON with 
> the
> webpage handling all the rest of the interactions?
> How well will these exported Livecode-Javascript apps play within a web
> page - what sort of bi-directional communication is being looked at?

Hi David,

We're not actively working towards any of these things at the moment.  
*In principle*, they're all ideas that we'd love to get working!  In 
practice, at the moment we're just trying to get stacks to run properly, 
and we're going to think about branching out to these other exciting 
possibilities once we get towards that point.

I'm personally quite keen on the idea of figuring out how to compile 
LiveCode Builder programs directly to JavaScript, for example!

This is definitely the sort of thing that enthusiastic community members 
could play with, once we release the Community edition of HTML5 support.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.brett at>
LiveCode Engine Development Team

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