encrypt storage

Bob Sneidar bobsneidar at iotecdigital.com
Thu Feb 5 12:09:03 EST 2015

No I am encrypting the password using the encrypt command before storing it in mySQL. 

encrypt thePassword using aes128 with thePassKey
put it into thePassword
get empty

Works fine on a LAN, but not sure what would happen if I passed this through a 20 year old router. 

Bob S

> On Feb 5, 2015, at 09:00 , Richard Gaskin <ambassador at fourthworld.com> wrote:
> Bob Sneidar wrote:
> > The issue is whether or not the aes128 hash can pass unmolested
> > over the internet. I suppose I could just binary encode/decode
> > it for good measure.
> Most hashes return binary values directly, but it's common to convert them to hex for general storage and transport, e.g.:
>   get binaryDecode("h*", sha1digest(tSomeString), tHex)
>   put tHex
> Do you have a LiveCode script that does aes128, or are you calling shell?

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