Is "backups" a reserved word for LC server ?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Dec 29 12:46:05 EST 2015

jbv wrote:
 > Strange things happen : on a first on-rev account, I have a directory
 > and sub-sirectory as follows : irev/backups
 > For months, I have a script in irev that writes temporary files in the
 > "backups" sub-folder and then deletes them, and everything works fine.
 > On a second on-rev account, in the same situation, no file at all gets
 > written in "backups". If I change the name of that sub-folder to
 > "DBtemp" or anything else, then everything works normal and the files
 > get written in it.
 > Any idea ?

I don't see "backups" in the Dictionary, but even if it were no keyword 
should affect a string literal.

What are the permissions on the folder?  What do "the result" and 
sysError() tell you when called immediately after the line that fails?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
  Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
  Ambassador at      

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