Is "backups" a reserved word for LC server ?
jbv at
jbv at
Tue Dec 29 15:37:05 EST 2015
> jbv wrote:
> > Strange things happen : on a first on-rev account, I have a directory
> > and sub-sirectory as follows : irev/backups
> > For months, I have a script in irev that writes temporary files in the
> > "backups" sub-folder and then deletes them, and everything works fine.
> >
> > On a second on-rev account, in the same situation, no file at all gets
> > written in "backups". If I change the name of that sub-folder to
> > "DBtemp" or anything else, then everything works normal and the files
> > get written in it.
> >
> > Any idea ?
> I don't see "backups" in the Dictionary, but even if it were no keyword
> should affect a string literal.
> What are the permissions on the folder? What do "the result" and
> sysError() tell you when called immediately after the line that fails?
I have tried various permissions, especially 755 and 777.
The result and the syserror return exactly the same values, no matter
is the file is written or not :
the result is empty
the syserror returns 2
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