Is Binfile broken?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Tue Sep 30 13:47:17 EDT 2014

Bob Sneidar wrote:

> On Sep 30, 2014, at 09:13 , Richard Gaskin wrote:
>> To diagnose problems with file access (and many other circumstances
>> where error-checking is useful), check the result after attempting
>> the action.  With file access it can be very help to include a call
>> to sysError there, so you can see what the OS is complaining about,
>> .e.g:
>>   open file theDestFile for binary write
>>   if the result is not empty then
>>      answer the result &"("& sysError() &")"
>>   end if
> Thanks Richard. I get “Can’t open that file.” in the result for the
> write. Very informative. ;-)
> Now I have to figure out *why* it can’t open that file.

What was the OS error number returned from sysError()?

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Systems
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