Sorting a multidimensional array

Dick Kriesel dick.kriesel at
Fri Sep 26 06:06:10 EDT 2014

On Sep 25, 2014, at 9:24 PM, Peter Bogdanoff <bogdanoff at> wrote:

> My first foray into arrays

Hi, Peter.

For this foray, you could use a one-dimensional array, containing the three lines of html text for each plain text key:

command sortGroupsOfLines
    local tText, tLineNumber, tGroup, tKey, tArray, tKeys, tSortedGroups
    put the text of fld 1 into tText
    split tText by cr and null
    repeat for each line tLine in the HTMLtext of fld 1
        add 1 to tLineNumber
        switch tLineNumber wrap 3
            case 1
                put tText[ tLineNumber ] into tKey
                put tLine & cr into tGroup
            case 2
                put tLine & cr after tGroup
            case 3
                put tGroup & tLine & cr into tArray[ tKey ]
        end switch
    end repeat
    put the keys of tArray into tKeys
    sort tKeys
    repeat for each line tKey in tKeys
        put tArray[ tKey ] after tSortedGroups
    end repeat
    set the HTMLText of fld 2 to tSortedGroups
end sortGroupsOfLines

Because this approach has only three references to objects, it's faster.

How's that, Peter?

-- Dick

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