Lock screen & layering of stacks?

Charles E Buchwald charles at buchwald.ca
Thu Jul 24 00:19:00 EDT 2014

I feel like I'm missing something really basic here...
I have 2 stacks.
Stack "Second" overlaps stack "First".
A button in stack "First" has this script:

	on mouseUp
	   go stack "Second"
	   go stack "First"
	end mouseUp

If I press the button, it behaves as I expect. There is a bit of a flicker, and stack "First" ends up on top.
If add a line...

	on mouseUp
	   lock screen
	   go stack "Second"
	   go stack "First"
	end mouseUp

... then the flicker disappears, as expected, but stack "Second" ends up on top.
Is it supposed to work like this?

- Charles

Charles E. Buchwald
CEO/Director General
Museografica Digital

LC Developer Tools: http://buchwald.ca/developer-tools/

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