iOS 7 / Xcode 5 and the status bar.

Ralph DiMola rdimola at
Wed Oct 2 11:44:26 EDT 2013

I'm doing the same thing but using a % of the display height as to account
for different pixel densities.(retina vs. non-retina).
Non-retina is 20 pixels and retina is 40 pixels.
Now that I understand this seasons style I will adapt.

Remember, no whites dresses after labor day(or is it before? I always

Ralph DiMola
IT Director
Evergreen Information Services
rdimola at

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode [mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On Behalf
Of Gerry Orkin
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 6:14 AM
To: How to use LiveCode
Subject: Re: iOS 7 / Xcode 5 and the status bar.

I'm using 45 pixels. And as my app can be themed with different colours I'm
changing the colour of the rectangle behind the status information.


On 02/10/2013, at 2:11 PM, Ralph DiMola <rdimola at> wrote:

> OK, I see what you mean about the new style. It just would have been 
> helpful to know how many pixels the status bar icons occupy.

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